Sejak bangun tidur sampai tidur lagi orang modern hampir tak bisa lepas dari ponsel atau smartphone. Dari bilik bambu di desa hingga apartemen mewah di kota, kita mengandalkan gawai untuk berbagai kebutuhan. Selain mengakses media sosial sebagai primadona, mereka juga memanfaatkan gawai berbekal koneksi Internet untuk mendapatkan hiburan, salah satunya menonton film di Youtube atau streaming drakor di aplikasi khusus.

Peluang rezeki di era digital

Apalagi seiring makin canggihnya teknologi digital, kini mencari uang pun bisa mengandalkan gawai di genggaman. Tanpa meninggalkan rumah, kita bisa meraup punci-pundi cuan dengan memanfaatkan Internet dan keterampilan. Apa saja yang bisa kita lakukan sebagai sarana pemanen rezeki di era serbadigital saat ini?

Jadi blogger bisa sangat menghasilkan.

1. Blogger

Profesi bloger kini semakin diperhitungkan kendati kemajuan visual seperti Instagram dan Youtube semakin digemari. Ada yang sempat memprediksi era redupnya blog tapi nyatanya blog tetap eksis dan bloger tetap bisa hidup dari konten yang ia tulis.
Sebagai bloger, rezeki bisa diperoleh misalnya dari lomba blog. Kompetisi blog hamper selalu ada setiap bulan. Malah tak jarang dalam satu bulan beberapa lomba bergengsi dihelat bersamaan, yang membuat bloger pemburu hadiah lomba harus taktis memilih.
Cara lain bloger mendapatkan cuan adalah menerima tulisan pesanan sponsor. Jadi brand, baik secara langsung maupun lewat agency, mengontak bloger untuk menulis dengan topik tertentu berkaitan dengan barang atau jasa yang ingin mereka promosikan. tujuannya tentu saja membangun brand awareness, misalnya saat meluncurkan produk baru.
Bloger juga bisa memanfaatkan blognya dengan memasang iklan dari kerja sama dengan Google Adsense. Meski syarat untuk lolos tak mudah, perjuangan berat juga dibutuhkan saat mengumpulkan dolar demi dolar agar iklan kita diklik oleh pembaca. Namun percayalah, perjuangan itu sepadan dengan hasil yang akan kita terima.
Yang penting jangan menyerah atau kecewa dengan hasil yang belum memuaskan. Apa saja sebenarnya bisa kita olah menjadi niche yang akan menarik duit lewat blog. Blog khusus traveling atau blog tentang financial planning yang kini semakin digemari, bisa jadi konten yang mengantarkan pundi-pundi rezeki. Kalau butuh inspirasi seputar inovasi teknologi atau kecantikan dan produk ramah lingkungan, bisa banget mengunjungi laman

2. Influencer Instagram dan TikTok

Ketika Instagram menjadi mikroblog, pamornya terus moncer dan akhirnya dibidik oleh para advertiser untuk mengiklankan produk mereka di platform tersebut. Muncullah istilah influencer yang merujuk pada pengguna dengan jumlah follower (pengikut) yang sangat besar. 
Dari jumlah follower Inilah peluang mendapat cuan didapatkan. Semakin besar jumlah pengikut, maka semakin besar pula potensi dipinang oleh brand dan diganjar imbalan yang sangat seimbang. Tak heran jika pemilik akun Instagram terus berupaya menambah jumlah follower agar dilirik oleh employer online.

Ketika Instagram begitu kuat, hadirlah TikTok sebagai kompetitor. Walau semula diremehkan, TikTok terbukti sukses di kancah digital dan makin digandrungi oleh warganet. Bukan hanya berisi joget tak jelas, TikTok juga mengakomodasi konten bermanfaat, mulai dari ceramah agama, belajar bahasa, memasak, dan banyak upgrade skill lainnya.
Dalam sebuah kesempatan ZOOM meeting, Ainun Chomsun menyampaikan betapa TikTok kini merangsek di urutan pertama sebagai media promosi gratisan. Kalau ingin lebih efektif, bisa pakai fitur Ads aau menyewa jasa seorang influencer agar target mudah dicapai. Ini artinya media sosial bukan sekadar media hura-hura tapi bisa menjadi sumber pendapatan yang berlimpah kalau diseriusi.

3. Youtuber

Bicara soal Youtuber, kita tak mungkin melupakan Li Ziqi asal Tiongkok sebagai salah satu food vlogger China yang sangat kesohor. Pendapatan miliaran per tahun tak heran menjadi kiblat bagi Youtuber lain di negaranya untuk mengekor menjadi pemasak yang ditampilkan secara visual, lewat proses dan pemandangan yang menawan.
Di Indonesia lebih banyak lagi Youtuber yang kondang dan jadi epigon para Youtuber pemula. Bukan hanya konten kanal mereka yang menarik, tetapi juga pendapatan menggiurkan yang jadi idaman banyak orang. Bagaimana tidak, cukup berdiam di rumah kita bisa mengantongi ratusan bahkan miliaran rupiah.

Raditya Dika dan Deddy Corbuzier hanyalah dua di antara seleb Youtube yang sukses dan punya basis subscriber serta income yang luar biasa. Setiap konten atau podcast yang ditayangkan selalu banjir komentar. Karena komentar memang efektif untuk menarik calon pelanggan baru. Itulah sebabnya Layanan Komentar Youtube diperlukan untuk menambah kemeriahan video tayangan dan memikat penonton baru agar menjadi subscriber sesuai keinginan. 
Banjir komen bagus untuk sebuah konten di Youtube. Ketika komen bermunculan, itu artinya akan mengundang pelanggan baru untuk berdatangan. Ada engagement yang terbangun ketika tahu banyak komen yang meramaikan sebuah tayangan. Bahkan komen yang negatif pun sering sangat berguna untuk mendongkrak suatu konten dan channel

5. SEO specialist

Siapa yang tak ingin produknya tampil di halaman pertama Google atau yang dikenal dengan Page One? Posisi itu sangat produktif untuk membantu calon konsumen untuk mengklik website kita, mempelajari konten yang ada, dan kemudian melakukan transaksi sesuai yang kita harapkan. 
Sayangnya meraih posisi page one bukan perkara mudah, dibutuhkaan effort ekstra untuk bisa moncer di SERP atau mesin pencarian. Di sinilah kita butuh peran seorang SEO specialist. Dialah yang akan membantu bagaimana agar produk yang kita punya bisa dilihat dan diklik oleh warganet yang menjadi target pasar kita. Percuma dong punya produk bagus tapi tenggelam di mesin pencarian!? 

6. Affiliate marketer

Untuk mendapatkan cuan di era digital, kita juga bisa memanfaatkan affiliate marketing. Cara kerja affiliate marketing sangat sederhana. Mungkin kita mengikuti kabar terkini yang heboh tentang beberapa influencer kaya raya yang ternyata memanfaatkan affiliate tapi merugikan banyak orang karena ada indikasi perjudian atau penipuan. 
Begitu juga dengan affiliate yang saya maksudkan, kita cukup mendaftar sebagai affiliate marketer pada sebuah situs atau penyedia platform agar kita bisa menyebarkan link sehingga kalau ada penjualan dari link tersebut maka kita akan mendapatkan komisi.
Teknologi digital membuka peluang meraup keuntungan finansial. | Pexels/Antoni Shkraba 

Inilah intinya, komisi akan kita petik dari pelanggan yang bertransaksi. Semakin banyak transaksi, tentunya semakin banyak keuntungan yang bisa kita raup. Kita bisa menjadi affiliate marketer bagi penyedia hosting-domain, menyebarkan link produk konsumer di lokapasar seperti Tokopedia dan Shopee, dan masih banyak lagi peluang yang bisa kita jajaki.
Singkat kata, mendapatkan uang di era kecanggihan teknologi informasi bukan lagi mustahil dan bahkan sangat dimudahkan. Kita harus mau bergerak dan belajar untuk menggunakan platform yang ada untuk menjadi sumber pendapatan, baik aktif maupun pasif. 
Itu bisa dimulai dengan mengasah skill dan upscale agar mengimbangi kebutuhan audiens atau pembaca. Bangun jejarung, asah kreativitas, dan teruslan berinovasi. Pastikan selalu update informasi lewat portal yang solutif sebagai sumber inspirasi guna mendulang cuan di era digital. Mau?

MENJADI CONTENT CREATOR masih digandrungi sebagai profesi yang menjanjikan. Fleksibilitas waktu dan remote work membuat pekerjaan ini kian diminati oleh anak zaman now. Salah satunya, KOL (key opinion leader) menjadi cara unik untuk meraup cuan dalam jumlah cukup besar. Namun untuk bisa sampai ke sana dibutuhkan kiat-kiat yang perlu diperhatikan.

Era digital memang membuka banyak peluang bagi para influencer, termasuk KOL atau key opinion leaderDampak sosial dan potensi ekonominya cukup tinggi sehingga generasi zillennial dan alpha masih sangat menggandrungi kesibukan ini. Prestise dan kontinuitas tidak bisa diabaikan.

Buat Rate Card adalah langkah utama jadi KOL sukses | Foto: pexels/George Milton

Peluang rezeki dari dunia digital

Berikut ini beberapa cara paling umum yang bisa kita tempuh untuk mendulang cuan atau model monetisasi platform di era serbadigital.

1. Blogging

Cara pertama yang masih umum dilakukan adalah memanfaatkan platform digital sebagai blogger. Bermodal blog personal dengan harga domain yang semakin terjangkau, kita bisa memanen pundi-pundi rupiah bahkan mata uang asing.

Caranya dengan menulis artikel untuk mempromosikan produk atas persetujuan sebuah brand. Kelebihan blog adalah kita bisa menyampaikan promosi melalui storytelling yang halus sehingga pembaca tak terasa sedang diarahkan untuk membeli atau mengonsumsi sesuatu.


Opsi kedua untuk memperoleh uang lewat platform digital adalah dengan membuat konten di TikTok dan Instagram. Kini semakin banyak brand yang ingin agar produk atau layanan mereka dipromosikan lewat kedua medsos ini.

Dengan syarat ER (engagement rate) yang bagus dan follower yang mencukupi, tugas kita adalah mengunggah video pendek sesuai dengan permintaan brand. Karena pendek, pesan harus taktis dan menggugah sehingga keinginan pelanggan terakomodasi.


3Jadi affiliator

Cara berikutnya yang bisa dijajal sebagai ikhtiar dapat duit lewat platform digital adalah dengan memanfaatkan affiliate marketing. Di sini kita sebagai content creator—entah bloger, Instagrammer, maupun TikToker—memproduksi konten tertentu dengan mengarahkan audiens agar membeli produk melalui link atau tautan yang kita berikan.

Affiliate marketing, cara mudah mendulang cuan | freepik/pch.vector


Atas setiap transaksi yang berhasil dilakukan melalui tautan tersebut, kita akan diganjar komisi yang bisa diakumulasi hingga nominal tertentu untuk ditarik ke rekening. Uniknya, kita bisa membuat banyak konten berisi banyak produk yang kita sukai. Tinggal mengemas secara apik agar target tergiur.

4Jualan konten digital

Cara lain untuk meraup rezeki secara online adalah melalui penjualan konten digital. Di sini kita bisa menjual produk digital misalnya dalam bentuk eBook, kursus, template, atau aset digital lainnya. Penjualan e-book terbilang menguntungkan karena modalnya kecil tanpa harus mencetak buku fisik.


Begitu juga dengan kursus daring melalui Zoom atau Google Meet yang tak butuh biaya besar. Tanpa harus menyediakan ruang offline, maka biaya bisa ditekan. Hal ini berlaku juga untuk konsultasi atau pelatihan jika kita memiliki keahlian atau kepakaran tertentu sehingga bisa menawarkan bimbingan atau saran kepada audiens.


5Sistem keanggotaan

Untuk mengalirkan pundi-pundi uang, kita bisa juga memproduksi konten eksklusif untuk ditawarkan sebagai konten premium kepada pelanggan. Sebagai bloger, kita bisa membuka sistem keanggotaan bagi pembaca untuk membayar blog post tertentu sebelum bisa membacanya.


Begitu juga konten video di Youtube, kita bisa tawarkan harga paket untuk video-video tertentu kepada penonton dengan biaya keanggotaan yang terjangkau. Harga terjangkau akan berlipat karena video yang sama bisa diakses atau ditonton banyak orang. 


Youtuber masih jadi profesi menguntungkan | Foto: pexels/Terje Sollie

Tidak salah lagi, menjadi Youtuber masih gurih untuk digeluti. Konten video yang lucu atau menarik, inspiratif atau menyedihkan, ternyata punya penonton masing-masing. Semakin banyak view dan subscriber, maka akan semakin besar peluang cuan yang bisa kita panen.


Semua tergantung pada kreativitas kita sebagai kreator. Kalau ingin punya basis viewer yang setia, kita bisa ciptakan podcast rutin atau bahkan web series yang akan selalu ditunggu. Memang butuh effort dan biaya lebih, tapi ikhtiar itu bisa dikonversi dengan imbalan signifikan nantinya.

Kiat jadi KOL

Perlu diingat bahwa menjadi seorang KOL haruslah kredibelpunya keahlian, dan memiliki kemampuan untuk memengaruhi audiens sebagai target pasar. Berikut ini sejumlah kiat penting untuk membantu kita sebagai KOL sukses.

1. Kenali niche kita

KOL mestilah orang yang fokus pada satu bidang yang kita kuasai atau we’re good at. Setidaknya punya pengetahuan mendalam atau perspektif unik mengenai sesuatuJangan semuanya bisa.

Sebainya pilih bidang yang spesifik, misalnya kecantikan, teknologi, kebugaran, atau industri lain yang menjadi ceruk atau niche di mana kita menonjol sebagai ahli atau mumpuni agar audiens bisa kita pengaruhi.

2. Autentik dan dapat dipercaya

Jangan berpretensi jika kita memutuskan menjadi seorang KOL. Profesi ini menuntut kepribadian kuat tanpa berpura-pura apalagi manipulasi. Kepercayaan terhadap audiens adalah senjata yang kita gunakan.

Jadi bersikap tulus adalah wajib saat menyatakan pendapat dan terbukalah jika itu kemitraan atau konten bersponsor. Audiens atau penonton akan lebih menghargai rekomendasi kita yang jujur ketimbang konten promosi yang penuh rekayasa.

3. Buat konten bermutu

Mentang-mentang punya basis massa atau penggemar yang besar, kita lantas mengabaikan mutu konten. Ini hal yang harus dihindari. Justru semakin banyak follower atau subscriber, maka kita wajib konsisten menghasilkan konten yang menarik, jeli, dan bermanfaat bagi audiens.


Jangan sajikan hal-hal monoton. Variasikan format berbeda misalnya sesekali video, lalu diselingi artikel, atau infografik dengan tujuan menjangkau khalayak yang lebih luas. Inilah pentingnya riset untuk memastikan bahwa konten kita benar-benar dibutuhkan oleh para follower.

4. Jalin interaksi

Interaksi akan membentuk pengikut yang loyal |

Basis massa yang telah terhimpun bisa dianggap sebagai komunitas berharga sehingga perlu mendapatkan interaksi dan perhatian kita. Tanggapi komentar merekasesekali mintalah umpan balik, dan tunjukkan minat terhadap pendapat mereka. Interaksi seperti ini akan meningkatkan kredibilitas kita sekaligus menciptakan basis pengikut yang loyal.


5. Bangun personal branding

Personal branding tidak bisa ditawar lagi sebagai modal kesuksesan seorang KOL. Miliki personal branding yang jelas dan konsisten, yaitu yang selaras dengan nilai-nilai kita dan seirama dengan basis pembaca atau audiens secara umum.

Personal branding haruslah mencerminkan siapa diri kita, apa yang kita dukung atau yakini, dan bagaimana kita memberi nilai tambah kepada pengikut atau follower.

6Buat Rate Card yang masuk akal

KOL yang baik juga perlu membekali diri dengan informasi harga layanan yang ia terapkan. Membuat rate card adalah sebuah keniscayaan sebagai patokan bagi brand atau pemberi pekerjaan.


Kalau khawatir salah dalam merumuskan rate card, sebagaimana pernah saya alami, sebaiknya gunakan platform khusus yang bisa menakar harga jasa kita. Cara mudahnya adalah memanfaatkan KOL.ID sebagai platform marketing technology yang menyediakan solusi lengkap untuk berbagai kebutuhan pemasaran KOL baik di Instagram, TikTok, maupun YouTube. Semuanya terintegrasi dalam satu platform sehingga kita tak perlu repot membuat rate card yang dikhawatirkan tak masuk akal.


Cukup dengan biaya langganan mulai Rp20.000 selama sebulan, kita tak perlu lagi pusing soal penentuan rate card. KOL.ID sudah memformulasikan rate card dengan desain yang simpel dan menarik berasal dari big data dan sistem analisis yang mumpuni.


Alih-alih menghabiskan waktu untuk mencari formula yang ideal dalam menemukan rate card yang tepat, kita cukup melakukan share rate card dari KOL.ID kepada brand dan partner. Dengan demikian, waktu yang ada bisa kita gunakan untuk fokus pada hal-hal produktif atau usaha meningkatkan Engagement Rate.

7. Belajar dan upscale

Untuk bisa sukses dan survive sebagai KOL, kita haruslah terus melecut diri dengan belajar dan upgrade kemampuan. Selain mengikuti tren industri, teknologi baru, dan preferensi audiens, kita juga perlu melakukan upscale dengan kemampuan baru. Memperbarui keterampilan dan pengetahuan adalah cara ampuh untuk menjaga relevansi dan pengaruh kita.

When a domestic violence case involving a celebrity suddenly went viral, netizens were immediately furious. Everyone criticized without command. Condemning comments flooded news accounts on social media, especially Instagram and TikTok. A piece of video that was considered barbaric was also attacked by comments of disgust towards husbands who commit violence. 

Domestic violence perpetrators clearly are no brainers! (Photo: freepik)


In a community WhatsApp group, this hot issue became even hotter when it was deliberately raised as a topic of discussion one evening. One member said that the evil husband was said to have many businesses. 

How dare the weak

To this news, I responded spontaneously, short and swooping: 

"Yes, I have a lot of business, but no brains!" 

My response may be harsh, but that is the right word to criticize a husband whose brain is short-circuited. Why not, he who was suspected of having an affair was actually so violent in beating his helpless wife. 

There are no words that can describe his actions other than cruel and cowardly. Obviously has a brain, but can't think. If his brain was functioning properly, he would definitely look for a balanced opponent. Instead of a weak wife, she can compete in the boxing or MMA ring. 

Unfortunately, he was timid and cowardly enough to fight like a man. Choose a comparable opponent, who can launch a counterattack with tactics and calculations.

Perhaps, he has already considered that if he looks for a comparable opponent outside, he will definitely lose. Never mind attacking, the chance of dodging was as thin as the skin of an onion.

Why are domestic violence victims reluctant to report?

Not long after the video clip went viral, the East Java Kompasiana blogger community held an Instagram Live which highlighted the phenomenon of domestic violence in society, especially what happens to women as vulnerable or marginalized groups.

As soon as I got off the commuter train departing from Surabaya to Lamongan, I immediately watched IG Live which started at 19.00 WIB. The discussion and sharing went smoothly, guided by Mbak Dian, a Sidoarjo blogger who accompanied the resource person, namely an advocate and administrator of the PPA (protection of women and children) DPC PERADI Surabaya.

From Zaitun Taher, the name of the advocate, I can extract at least three reasons why women who are victims of domestic violence are reluctant to report to the authorities. And this is important to report as a warning so that it doesn't happen again.

The first reason is that women are filled with fear. He felt worried because he received intimidation and threats from his partner who had the potential to repeat the violent act. 

Mrs. Zaitun gave an example, one time a husband threatened a victim of domestic violence,

"If you dare to do anything, dare to report or tell your family, then I'll do it. Now you're the only one who gets hit, then your family will get hit too. I'll destroy your family!"

Imagine if a manipulative husband spouted words like that continuously, then over time the wife would lose her identity. His self-confidence will collapse, his enthusiasm for life will be undermined. 

The second reason domestic violence victims are reluctant to make a report is because they do not have a reliable support system. He felt isolated and squeezed in a world that dwarfed him. Trauma makes it difficult for him to even just express his heart.

There was a case where a victim complained to his extended family. However, it was not support that she received, but advice that she be patient in dealing with her husband's behavior because domestic violence is part of the ordeal in the household.

Mrs. Zaitun retorted, "Oh no! That's wrong, it's a criminal act! Including a criminal act," she said firmly that domestic violence should not be normalized as a form of test in the family. 

The final reason is that domestic violence victims do not yet have economic independence. Women are reluctant to reveal their husband's domestic violence because they worry that financial support will be cut off if they divorce. Not to mention if you already have children, divorce can present a new crisis because children usually go with their mother.

The need to build independence

Mrs. Zaitun does not hesitate to recommend that wives start to build independence both emotionally and especially economically. She believes that today's women are getting smarter, they are already clever at how to survive by taking advantage of various digital opportunities. There are many opportunities to earn rupiah without having to leave home.

However, everything certainly requires a process. Having your own income cannot be realized overnight. What is no less important is to stabilize yourself emotionally. Because as mentioned by the host that night, sometimes women still don't have the courage to make decisions - including reporting - even though they already have their own income.

The victims of domestic violence experienced a crisis of self-confidence, their lives were deliberately dwarfed by their husbands who relentlessly carried out intimidation and manipulation so that the women were covered in deep trauma and had difficulty thinking clearly.

However, one thing is certain: women are tactical creatures. They can use their brains and various life skills to make money or decide to live independently. Because they have brains that function optimally, unlike domestic violence perpetrators whose brains are underdeveloped or short-circuited even though they may have a lot of business.

This morning I had breakfast with Lamongan's typical boran chili sauce. I had prepared this sambal (condiment) for my meal at dawn because I was fasting today. But when I woke up this morning, the morning prayer at the mosque had already finished. 

This means that the time for sahur has passed. I broke my fast because I couldn't stand it without eating sahur. 

Breakfast is something we should be grateful about

After eating a few bites, I remembered that there was half a board of tempeh in the refrigerator. This tempe is typical, a product sold by neighbors close to home - tenacious migrants from Bogor. Just soak it in salt water and then fry it and it is very delicious.


"I forgot I had tempeh, I should have fried it first. It's perfect for making friends with boran chili sauce," I said spontaneously.

Accompanying dishes such as tender and ointment are already dry, so you need a savory side dish other than a fried egg. 

"Especially if there are chips!" I snapped again as if jumping.

From the kitchen, Mother Xi replied, "You human being, when you can eat you still need this or that to complement it!" short and I was immediately insulted.

I continued eating until I finished because I had to rush to take my youngest to school. If you think about it, it's true, humans sometimes slip up. Asking for this, asking for that even though you already get so much. 

The various pleasures and facilities of life are often neglected because of lust. The feeling of not having enough gnaws at yourself because you want something extra. 

Suddenly I remembered a piece of Cak Nun's song:

If not, I want to already 

When you have it, you want to add more 

After adding it, I want more 

Want it again and again

Crickets, I've been carried away by the urge to overeat. But, it's not about breakfast....

ONE of the dilemmatic decisions in my life was when I had to resign from my job as a book editor 15 years ago. At that time I worked at a popular book publishing house in the Depok while I lived in Bogor. The 4 hour trip made it difficult for me to survive due to chronic pain that could not be compromised.

If I quit my job, it means I will lose my source of income. However, if I continue to work in the office, that means I torture myself by commuting quite far with my concentration disturbed due to fatigue and illness.

After thinking hard and considering many things, I finally decided to resign and then work completely from home as a freelancer. Yes, with a weak physical condition, being a freelance editor and translator without fixed hours at the office has remained a logical solution.

Orders to edit and translate books mostly came from friends or acquaintances, including from the publisher where I previously worked. At that time my wife was still working in another publishing company but finally stopped completely when our eldest child was born a year later.

The Luck Charm is JNE 

Apart from working as a freelance editor and translator, I also looked at selling books published by my previous office. Because I took the book directly from the publisher, I also got a fairly big discount so that buyers could buy the book at a price below market price.

It's not just affordable prices that I offer to potential buyers, but also easy delivery via trusted expeditions. Buying books from me saves time, energy, and maintains practicality. Without needing to visit a bookstore, orders will go to their respective addresses while they do other more productive things.

The expedition I originally used was JNE in the Pakuan campus area and then switched to JNE Soleh Iskandar once we moved in the vicinity. Choosing JNE as a reliable expedition for every delivery has proven to be profitable. Close to our house, JNE also offers a variety of delivery services and has a wide reach so that buyers in the most distant cities can buy the books I sell without having to worry about whether they will arrive or not. Shipping rates are relatively affordable.

Great lesson from salmon

My choice to become friends with JNE turned out to be very valid. Especially after reading a book fragment by Dr. Ir. BS. Kusmuljono entitled Get Out of the Dead End. Salmon initially live in fresh waters (rivers), which is when their eggs hatch. Hatching in November, the small fish called alevin then settle among the pebbles at the bottom of the river; survive by eating plankton. When the food supply runs out, the alevin then leave the riverbed in May-June and turn to fry.

Fry develop into smolts which continue to move to the mouth of the river towards the open sea. While at sea, salmon travel for up to 4-7 years and have to face predators such as seals, birds and humans. Once they reach adulthood and are ready to reproduce, salmon that live in colonies will gather with other colonies to prepare for the journey back to the river where they were born.

The journey home was clearly not easy. For months salmon have to navigate rocks, swim against strong currents, jump over waterfalls and be ready to face the main predator, namely the bear. Uniquely, while swimming back to the river, salmon fast. They don't eat anything, only relying on fat reserves in the body as a source of energy. It is during this phase that many salmon die either due to injury, exhaustion, and of course being eaten by predators.

Once in the river, the few remaining salmon prepare a burrow 25-30 cm deep where the female salmon lays 3,000-8,000 eggs to be fertilized by the male salmon. When fertilization is complete, the burrow is covered with gravel while the male and female salmon hang around it until they run out of energy and eventually die. The carcasses rot and are eaten by bacteria and turned into natural fertilizer. The fertilizer is then eaten by plankton and small insects which in the future will become food for small salmon (alevin).

Looking at the salmon's journey, there are business lessons between the lines. That business can be started by building a market first. If the market has been created, then we move to production. Thanks to shipping via JNE, I have a buyer base. To optimize profits, I need to follow up this trade to the industrial sector, namely by making my own goods.

That's when market penetration is not an easy matter, it requires large capital and great struggle, like salmon that challenge the strong currents of the ocean (downstream) to be able to advance to the river (upstream) to reproduce.

Delivery with JNE makes the market wide open. So I have a buyer base. This means that as trade progresses, I add to my sales collection with books from other publishers which I often get from book fairs at Gramedia at discount prices. Income also increased thanks to indie book publishing by writer friends, most of whom chose JNE as the shipping expedition.

Since August, I have take a new role. I call it new because I haven't been involved in it for a long time, even though I used to do it around 2005 before graduating from college. Being a teacher, that's what I've been busy with lately. I remember that period when I worked quite hard. Really challenging but very impressive.

Gaining confidence in teaching

Working in Three Places

The story is interesting because since writing my thesis, I have worked in three places at once. My daily activities start from 8 to 2 pm working as a freelance translator at a social foundation. Even though I'm social, I still get paid even though it's not much. Very useful for building a portfolio and improving the economy.

After leaving the office, I went home to shower and clean up. After that, I went to an English course which was not far from the boarding house. So it's not always motorized because the distance is only about 1-2 km. If I want to walk, I go without a motorbike.

In the evening I went to the student's house to give private lessons. This private tutoring is managed by a tutoring institution that specifically sends teachers to students' homes as needed. Perhaps this is a form of convenience and benefit offered as added value to tutoring.

Work Challenges in your 40s

Unexpectedly, I am now reliving memories of the past. In order to make money, I had to go back to the classroom to teach English. Actually, for the last 15 years I have also worked, namely as a blogger and freelance translator. Unfortunately, after the pandemic the economy cannot recover as before. Earning money is increasingly difficult, people do whatever they can to earn a living—including me.

Saturday 7 September 2024 turned out to be a memorable moment. Not because the Klaska Residence coverage returned home to get shopping vouchers, but also through several interesting experiences to strengthen life. When I went to the Jagir area, Wonokromo to see the recommendations for the best apartments in Surabaya, I happened to be separated from the group of Lamongan bloggers.

Somehow, I forgot that the Arjonegoro commuter could actually take us down at Wonokromo Station which was closer to the coverage location. We mean me and Mas Nurudin, a teacher and blogger who is now increasingly passionate about producing digital content using drones.

Success is how we make use of opportunity. (starline/freepik)

Failure to have breakfast

According to the ticket ordered, we got off at Pasar Turi Station at around 7.30. The plan is that we will take the Wira-Wiri feeder from Pasar Turi to Alun-Alun Contong, then take the Suroboyo Bus (SB) to the Joyoboyo stop and end with Gocar.

Moreover, I haven't had breakfast because I left home quite early, around 5 o'clock after Fajr. Unfortunately the regular shop was closed, I could only sip a cup of coffee and a piece of fried banana at another shop. This Jember-native blogger, who is familiarly called misterrudin, refuses breakfast, only occasionally exchanging information.

I wanted to eat rice, or at least snack on steamed sweet potatoes, which I didn't have available that morning. However, because the Wira Wiri Grand Max car was seen approaching Pasar Turi on the application, we accelerated our steps back to the station.

As soon as we got back to the station, I saw porters lined up waiting for customers to use their services. We were standing near Solaria, the spot that Wira Wiri usually passes by. Miraculously, the unit that had been speeding into Pasar Turi suddenly disappeared. After almost 15 minutes, the heat of the sun became more intense, and I decided to invite Mas Nurudin to walk to the Pirngadi bus stop.


The leisurely walk didn't feel like it and we arrived at the bus stop to wait for the SB route to Bungurasih. Not long after, an SB unit arrived and we immediately boarded. In SB, somehow the conversation about success surfaced. If I remember correctly, it was because of Augustan activities in their respective complexes.

Originally I planned to stay overnight in Surabaya because I was sometimes lazy when I came home in the afternoon because it was difficult to get a seat on the train. However, in order to take part in the commemoration of the Prophet's birthday plus the Augustan reception, that Saturday I decided to go straight home without staying overnight at a friend's house.

Luckily, this organic conversation filled the extra time as the bus traveled through the Perak and Pelindo areas. In the last few months, the SB route has been added to Perak, whereas previously it went straight to Rajawali and Red Bridge.

High education but low participation

So, the conversation about Augustan revolves around residents' participation in various activities in the complex we currently live in. It's quite unfortunate because not all residents consider social gathering activities in housing to be important. Meetings are often void of participants, and community service work is often attended by merely the similar people.

Instead of attending regular meetings, people are reluctant to pay fees for various reasons even though it has been agreed that having a house there means being bound by the obligation to pay at least monthly fees to support residents' activities, especially paying security guards. 

I reflexively remembered the story of my sister-in-law who lived in a fairly elite housing complex in Gresik. When she and her husband were appointed the head of the neighborhood, quite many residents criticized them or that we call in Javanese language dicelatu. This is not suitable, that's it, something has to be corrected. Period!

Surprisingly, those who enjoy criticizing, most of who are Master's degree graduates, would just look away and refuse to be entrusted with certain mandates. In brief, all they have is a bunch of baloney or a merely ideal concept. Never have they been willing to step in and contribute.