What Lies Beyond Breakfast

This morning I had breakfast with Lamongan's typical boran chili sauce. I had prepared this sambal (condiment) for my meal at dawn because I was fasting today. But when I woke up this morning, the morning prayer at the mosque had already finished. 

This means that the time for sahur has passed. I broke my fast because I couldn't stand it without eating sahur. 

Breakfast is something we should be grateful about

After eating a few bites, I remembered that there was half a board of tempeh in the refrigerator. This tempe is typical, a product sold by neighbors close to home - tenacious migrants from Bogor. Just soak it in salt water and then fry it and it is very delicious.


"I forgot I had tempeh, I should have fried it first. It's perfect for making friends with boran chili sauce," I said spontaneously.

Accompanying dishes such as tender and ointment are already dry, so you need a savory side dish other than a fried egg. 

"Especially if there are chips!" I snapped again as if jumping.

From the kitchen, Mother Xi replied, "You human being, when you can eat you still need this or that to complement it!" short and I was immediately insulted.

I continued eating until I finished because I had to rush to take my youngest to school. If you think about it, it's true, humans sometimes slip up. Asking for this, asking for that even though you already get so much. 

The various pleasures and facilities of life are often neglected because of lust. The feeling of not having enough gnaws at yourself because you want something extra. 

Suddenly I remembered a piece of Cak Nun's song:

If not, I want to already 

When you have it, you want to add more 

After adding it, I want more 

Want it again and again

Crickets, I've been carried away by the urge to overeat. But, it's not about breakfast....


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