Success is What It Feels, Not What It Looks

Saturday 7 September 2024 turned out to be a memorable moment. Not because the Klaska Residence coverage returned home to get shopping vouchers, but also through several interesting experiences to strengthen life. When I went to the Jagir area, Wonokromo to see the recommendations for the best apartments in Surabaya, I happened to be separated from the group of Lamongan bloggers.

Somehow, I forgot that the Arjonegoro commuter could actually take us down at Wonokromo Station which was closer to the coverage location. We mean me and Mas Nurudin, a teacher and blogger who is now increasingly passionate about producing digital content using drones.

Success is how we make use of opportunity. (starline/freepik)

Failure to have breakfast

According to the ticket ordered, we got off at Pasar Turi Station at around 7.30. The plan is that we will take the Wira-Wiri feeder from Pasar Turi to Alun-Alun Contong, then take the Suroboyo Bus (SB) to the Joyoboyo stop and end with Gocar.

Moreover, I haven't had breakfast because I left home quite early, around 5 o'clock after Fajr. Unfortunately the regular shop was closed, I could only sip a cup of coffee and a piece of fried banana at another shop. This Jember-native blogger, who is familiarly called misterrudin, refuses breakfast, only occasionally exchanging information.

I wanted to eat rice, or at least snack on steamed sweet potatoes, which I didn't have available that morning. However, because the Wira Wiri Grand Max car was seen approaching Pasar Turi on the application, we accelerated our steps back to the station.

As soon as we got back to the station, I saw porters lined up waiting for customers to use their services. We were standing near Solaria, the spot that Wira Wiri usually passes by. Miraculously, the unit that had been speeding into Pasar Turi suddenly disappeared. After almost 15 minutes, the heat of the sun became more intense, and I decided to invite Mas Nurudin to walk to the Pirngadi bus stop.


The leisurely walk didn't feel like it and we arrived at the bus stop to wait for the SB route to Bungurasih. Not long after, an SB unit arrived and we immediately boarded. In SB, somehow the conversation about success surfaced. If I remember correctly, it was because of Augustan activities in their respective complexes.

Originally I planned to stay overnight in Surabaya because I was sometimes lazy when I came home in the afternoon because it was difficult to get a seat on the train. However, in order to take part in the commemoration of the Prophet's birthday plus the Augustan reception, that Saturday I decided to go straight home without staying overnight at a friend's house.

Luckily, this organic conversation filled the extra time as the bus traveled through the Perak and Pelindo areas. In the last few months, the SB route has been added to Perak, whereas previously it went straight to Rajawali and Red Bridge.

High education but low participation

So, the conversation about Augustan revolves around residents' participation in various activities in the complex we currently live in. It's quite unfortunate because not all residents consider social gathering activities in housing to be important. Meetings are often void of participants, and community service work is often attended by merely the similar people.

Instead of attending regular meetings, people are reluctant to pay fees for various reasons even though it has been agreed that having a house there means being bound by the obligation to pay at least monthly fees to support residents' activities, especially paying security guards. 

I reflexively remembered the story of my sister-in-law who lived in a fairly elite housing complex in Gresik. When she and her husband were appointed the head of the neighborhood, quite many residents criticized them or that we call in Javanese language dicelatu. This is not suitable, that's it, something has to be corrected. Period!

Surprisingly, those who enjoy criticizing, most of who are Master's degree graduates, would just look away and refuse to be entrusted with certain mandates. In brief, all they have is a bunch of baloney or a merely ideal concept. Never have they been willing to step in and contribute.


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